Greenwood School District 50 Home

Preparing tomorrow's leaders together.
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Join the D50 Family

Greenwood School District 50 is the largest school district in Greenwood County. D50 serves 9,145 students at 16 sites: 8 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, 2 high schools, an early childhood center, a technology center, and one alternative center.
In D50 we are continually looking to add individuals to our D50 family who believe in our mission and vision. Join us as we make a difference, together.

News & Announcements

Dr. Steve Glenn Retirement

D50 Announces the Retirement of Dr. Steve Glenn

Greenwood District 50 announces that Dr. Steve Glenn, Superintendent, has announced his retirement, effective June 30, 2025. In a special called meeting on Monday, March 3, the Board accepted Dr. Glenn’s retirement in a unanimous vote.
K4 Qualifications - English

K4 Registration: February 17, 2025 at Genesis Education Center

Do you have a child that will be 4 on or before September 1, 2025? Join us for in person registration on February 17, 2025 at Genesis Education Center. See attached for details, and bring all the items listed. NEW to district 50 K5 students may come register as well. Online registration for the 25-26 school year will also open for new students on February 18, 2025.


States must administer an English language proficiency assessment to limited English proficient students in grades K through 12 in order to comply with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 USC 6301 et seq. (2002). For the 2024-25 school year, the assessment administered for this purpose will be ACCESS for ELLs® through the WIDA Consortium.


  • 16 School Sites
  • 8,600+ Students
  • 82.3% Graduation Rate
  • 90.9% Teacher Retention Rate
  • 22nd District in the State